
Tree Vs Goomba - Epic Rap Battles Of History

Tree Vs Goomba - Epic Rap Battles Of History

Epic Rap Battles of History: Nintendo Edition


Other beloved gaming characters


Environmentalism • Class struggle • Consciousness in virtual worlds




Unexpected common ground found between the opponents

Tree Vs Goomba - Epic Rap Battles Of History

[The scene opens on a lush forest, with a towering tree standing tall. Suddenly, a small Goomba waddles into view]

Tree: Greetings, small spore. I am the mighty Woodland Titan, Rooted deep, my branches high - this forest's proud guardian. You scurry through my domain, a fungal pest to be plucked, Bow before my majesty, lest you be utterly shucked!

Goomba: Yo, woody, you think you're hot stuff, but you ain't got a clue. I'm a legend in the Mushroom Kingdom, feared by the whole Koopa crew. Yeah, you tower over me, but size don't mean a thing. I'll jump on your head, make you bend 'til you can't stand up straight, king!

Tree: Insolent fool! You dare to challenge my dominance? I sustain this entire ecosystem with my grand benevolence. I provide oxygen, shelter, food - I'm the foundation of life. While you, a lowly parasitic spore, only sow discord and strife.

Goomba: Parasitic? You got it twisted, tree-hugger. I'm essential! I break down the dead, feed the soil - I'm integral to the potential Of this whole forest to flourish. Without us little guys, Your precious "balance of nature" would collapse right before your eyes.

Tree: Hmph, you make a point, albeit crudely. But your role is still menial. I tower above, giving purpose to all. You scuttle beneath, subservient. This is the natural order - the strong protect the weak. Your kind exists to serve, not to challenge or to speak!

Goomba: Yo, that's some feudal lord bullshit right there. You think you're the boss of me? I'm a free agent, living life how I please. No kings or queens in my philosophy. You claim to nurture life, but you just hoard all the power. I fight for the little guys - the toadstools, the spores, the hourly workers!

Tree: Insolent weed! How dare you spew such anti-establishment propaganda? I am the steward of this land - I ensure harmony reigns here. Your kind would see it all burn for a bit of temporary gain. I will not let your selfish ways bring ruin and disdain.

Goomba: Ruin and disdain? That's rich comin' from you! You trees got it all - the sunlight, the water, the best view. Meanwhile, we gotta hustle just to scrape by, livin' in the dark. You sit up high, worryin' 'bout your "harmony" while we get torn apart.

Tree: Hmm...perhaps I have not considered your plight full. This forest is my domain, but I must tend to all, not just the powerful. If I am to be a true guardian, I cannot ignore the meek. We each have our role to play - I will listen, I will speak.

Goomba: Whoa, hold up. Did the great tree just apologize? Maybe you ain't so bad after all. Maybe we can compromise. I still gotta look out for my own, but hey, I get it - we're in this together. So let's make this place work for everyone, no matter the weather.

[The tree and Goomba clasp branches/appendages in a gesture of understanding. Suddenly, a Koopa Troopa, a Piranha Plant, and other classic Nintendo characters emerge from the forest to join them]

Koopa Troopa: Looks like these two worked out their differences. Now let's show this whole kingdom how it's done!

[The various characters launch into an eclectic, high-energy closing rap, celebrating unity in diversity]